Dear Parents and Carers
School is in full swing now and the majority of our students have arrived at school and enrolled and well settled in to their classrooms routines. I would like to commend our students for the way they have commenced the school year and for the way they have knuckled down, and are working hard. Overall the behaviour of the Yale Primary School students has been excellent and I haven’t had to talk to any student about inappropriate behaviour. Well done students and thank you teachers.
This year the Department of Education has launched a Quality Teacher Strategy (QTS) for use by all Western Australian public schools, and sets out the systems commitment to improving quality teaching across the state, to deliver effective teaching to all public schools. QTS, The Phonics Initiative, is one part of the approach to quality teaching. All students in Year One across the state will be assessed in Term 3, 2023 in regard to their proficiency in phonics.
Progress of the replacement building at the school.
Mr Melling, Mrs Lawrie and I met a week ago with the Department of Finance, Department of Education to discuss where the new building plans were up to, to replace the building we lost in the fire. At this point in time I have been told the new building will begin in July which will mean that the builder will most likely be using the front staff car park as a site office. This will then lead to a part of the staff car park being fenced off. The way parents move around the school will most likely change for safety reasons.
Crossing the Staff Car Park.
I would like to ask parents to stop using the staff car park as a thoroughfare and I would like them to use the paths to walk around the staff car park. Several staff cars have sustained damage as parents move in between the cars, and through the car park. Students should also not be walking through the staff car park to avoid being hit by moving vehicles.
Kind regards
Glen Read