Open night and the new building.

Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters andother family members who attended the Open Night. The evening was the best so far. We cooked four hundred and fifty sausages, twelve kilos of onions, 450 bread rolls and bottles and bottles of sauce. I would like to thank all the staff who contributed to the evening to make it a wonderful success. I would like to thank the families for supporting the students and teachers by coming out inthe evening and sharing some of the work that the students have been doing in their classroomsover the term. All the classrooms had really high numbers of parents visiting the classroom and showa real interest in their child’s schooling. We also had wonderful community sporting organisationshelping to show case what they offer regarding sport in the area. The front oval was full of cars asparents took advantage of the parking and the sausage sizzle line extended all the way down thepath until the sprinklers made an impromptu appearance at 6.45 pm. Once again thank you for helping to make our school such a welcoming place. 

The new building is progressing well with the building almost at the lock up stage as windows anddoors are fitted. The ceiling fixers have been and gone and the rooms are getting closer tocompletion. The builder has had big teams of workers at the site nearly every day. I have my fingerscrossed that we might have the building ready for Term 4. That might be a little optimistic, butnevertheless the building is progressing well. 

Kind Regards

Glen Read – Principal