Kon’nichiwa – Hello

Our ECE playground has now been officially opened and the students are enjoying their new area. Although we have had some unavoidable delays, it was certainly worth the wait. The state government supported this project with funding for minor school projects. The State Government funding committed to the projects during the 2021 election to support the priorities of local school communities. Yale Primary School received $30,000 mid 2021 towards the nature playground in the kindy/pre-primary area. I would like to thank Mr Melling and Mrs Lawrie for their hard work in overseeing the project and ensuring that the upgrade was completed to a high standard and reflected the needs of the school.

Last year we were also been selected to receive funding from the State Government’s Primary School Science Program for a science classroom upgrade. This project is scheduled to be completed before the end of the 2022-2023 financial year. The plans have been approved and the work has commenced. This will be a fantastic space for the students, so we are looking forward to its completion. While the conversion is happening, Mrs Adam has been moving to each classroom to conduct science lessons. Thank you, Mrs Adam, for your support during this time to ensure that student learning has not been compromised.

Our first assembly for second term was presented by A1 and A2. The students sang and performed to the song ‘The Zones of Regulation’. It was a great success, and everyone enjoyed listening and learning all about the ways for students think and talk about how they feel on the inside and help sort these feelings into four coloured Zones. Once students understand their feelings and zones, they can learn how to use strategies to meet goals like doing schoolwork, managing big feelings, and having healthy relationships with others.


This program compliments our successful PBS program at Yale. Thank you to Mrs Kealley, Miss Dimer and the students of A1 and A2, for teaching us in such a fun way.

Attendance matters at Yale, and we celebrate the class with the highest percentage rate for the fortnight, at each assembly. Congratulations B3 who this time achieved the highest percentage attendance rate of 94%. A big round of applause.
In the top 5 were: EC3 kindy red group, C6, B1 and B5

Last week we started swimming lessons for 2023. The new format has the students going for one week instead of two, and having two lessons per session, with a break in between. The students have responded positively and going to lessons over one week has increased our student’s safety skills when in the water, is helping to keep them healthy, has reduced costs to families and has reduced loss of curriculum learning time. Thank you to everyone for making this event run smoothly. A big shout of thanks to the staff in the front office who work tirelessly to ensure that this program is a success at Yale.

Office superstars keep shining at our school. Fabulous seeing work from these students who are mastering the art of handwriting.

Thank you to our P&C and volunteers for organising our successful Mother’s Day stall. To all of those who are Mums or have a “Mum” role in the family, I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day.

Kind regards, Caroline Churchill