
Personal item requirements

Each Kindergarten child is required to purchase all items from the personal item list for their year level.  Parents may purchase these items through the nominated school supplier; however, you may wish to purchase these items from suppliers of your choice.

The list of Stationery Requirements which have been compiled by teachers to suit particular needs will be sent home before the end of 4th term this year.

Please do not place your child’s name on any of these items as they are used within a shared environment in the Kindergarten class.

In addition to the Kindergarten Personal Items List we also require your child to please bring:

Every Day Requirements

  • A school bag large enough for students to take home pieces of work and which can accommodate jumpers and other items.
  • A named hat for outdoor play.
  • A healthy packed lunch. (No nuts please).
  • One piece of Fruit, or carrots, celery, cheese, raisins, sultanas, tomatoes, lettuce and so on are also suitable for a morning recess snack.  Children will not be sharing fruit.
  • 1 drink bottle with water only.
  • A change of clothes including underwear.

PLEASE NOTE:  Children are prone to misplacing their belongings.  Please ensure that your child’s everyday requirements – bag and clothing are clearly labelled with their name.