
Infectious illnesses

If your child contracts an infectious illness, they must be excluded from school.

Childhood immunisations

Vaccine preventable diseases, such as measles or mumps, can have serious health consequences for school-aged children and others in the community.

You can help protect your child by ensuring his or her vaccinations are up-to-date.

Your child’s immunisations should be registered with the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

You need to share your child’s AIR history statement with the school.

The school needs to know which children are not fully immunised for their age as they may be excluded from school during outbreaks of some vaccine preventable diseases.

More information can be found on the Department of Health website

No hat, no play policy

In the interests of your child’s health and well-being, our school has a “no hat, no play in the sun” policy which operates for the entire school year.

Health and guidance services

A community nurse and a school psychologist make regular visits to the school.

Under normal circumstances your child will receive three health checks during primary schooling unless some specific complaint is detected which requires continual follow-up. In all cases, parents are advised of any problems.

You are welcome to make appointments with either the community nurse school psychologist to discuss any concerns.

Dental therapy centre

A free dental service operates at Thornlie Primary School Dental Centre to provide continuous dental care for your child and to teach proper care of teeth and gums. The centre is supervised by the health department’s dental health service and is staffed by qualified dental therapists. Any treatment required (fillings or extractions) is carried out at the centre, and you will be notified when appointments for your child are made. Hours are 8.30 am to 4.00 pm.

T: 08 9459 7540

Behaviour management

Our school community wants everyone to feel they are valued and respected and feel safe to teach and learn in a happy place. To encourage this, we support a behaviour management policy that rewards good, responsible behaviour. There are consequences for behaviour that affects another student or teacher’s rights to enjoy our school. This policy applies all the time your child is in school, whether in or out of the classroom.

A copy of the behaviour management policy is available from the office.