From the Principal – Glen Read

Dear parents and carers,

On Wednesday evening Yale Primary School held our Parent Open Night to open up our classrooms to parents and family members. The event was very well attended with many teachers telling me that they had high numbers of parents attend their classrooms to preview their child’s work. During the evening parents had an opportunity to talk to the teacher and see their child’s work and it was also an opportunity for students to explain what they had been learning this year in their respective classrooms.

It was a fantastic night. The school put on a sausage sizzle for students and parents. We began cooking at about 3.45 pm and didn’t stop until 6.30 pm and by the end of the evening we had used 550 sausage, hotdog buns and stacks of assorted sauces and onions.

We also had the Yale Tigers Teeball Club and the local Little Athletics club attend the evening. It was a great community event. The P&C also organised a fantastic raffle with great prizes to raise funds for the students at the school. I would like thank everyone for their contributions during the evening.

I would also like to thank the staff for all their efforts in making the evening a success and in making Yale a great school.

Kind Regards
Glen Read