Dear Parents and Carers,
In a recent message to schools in the Focus 2024 Department of Education publication the Director General of Education, Lisa Rodgers said the following: Every student deserves a quality education with opportunities to achieve and progress to the best of their abilities. We owe it to our students to provide access to high quality teaching with the right learning supports in environments where they feel safe and can learn.
At Yale Primary School we have been engaging in a Fogarty Foundation program called “Teach Well” for several years which supports teachers to adopt innovative teaching strategies to good effect. This is a rigorous program, but one that is worth the school investing in. One of our priorities at Yale Primary School is quality teaching and up to this point in time half our classroom teachers have attended Teach Well. Teach Well is based on the best available evidence and is a contemporary approach to teaching. It uses effective lesson structures, teachers get to work with experts in the area and in my opinion it definitely improves student academic performance.
Our resident artist, Kristal McGlew, has continued to make changes and improvements to her artistic endeavours. The galahs, quokka and kangaroos are still works in progress. I absolutely love the Kookaburras shown in the photo below, but the photo doesn’t do justice to Kristal’s work.
Please come down for a visit to the mural wall in front of B Block and
have a closer look at the great detail that goes into such expressive painting.
Kind Regards Glen Read