Associate Principal’s Update

Hello Parents, Carers and the wider school community

On behalf of the school staff, I would like to thank everyone for what has been a relatively smooth start to Term 3. Students have settled in well to their classrooms and teachers are happily teaching.

A special thanks must also go to the school P&C Committee for their generous donation towards some new school playground equipment for our senior students. In consultation with our Physical Education teacher (Mr Scotland), it was decided that a climbing, agility style apparatus would be more suitable for a greater range of student involvement and enjoyment. The equipment has already been purchased and the instalment process is planned to start within the next week or so. The installation should only take approximately one week and then it will be available for the students to enjoy from then on. Also, one of the benefits of the type of equipment that we have purchased is that it can be added on to and extended. This allows us to provide more opportunities for more students to be actively engaged in some form of physical exercise during their recess and lunchtime breaks. Mr Scotland is very pleased with this outcome, and he should take some credit for this project as his input has been invaluable.

Parent Open night is fast approaching, and I encourage all Parents and Carers to set aside some time to attend the school on this day and see first-hand the great work that is happening across the school. Mr Read will again be turning a sausage or two (around 400 to be exact) as he normally does, so that is always a highlight. Apparently, Miss Wood is assisting him this year and there is talk that she may take over this responsibility should Mr Read be unavailable for any reason. A free sausage in a bun always makes for an enjoyable time so please say hello to Mr Read/Miss Wood and take one.

A reminder to Parents/Carers is that the Open Night is only for a general look at what you child/children are doing in their classroom. An informal chat to the class teacher is fine, but if you would like to talk to the teachers in more detail about a specific item related to their schoolwork, then a formal interview should be requested at a suitable time for all involved.

Finally, enjoy the last of the cool and rainy weather because before we know it, summer will be here, and we will miss the lazy sleep-ins on a cold morning. Take care and be thankful always

David Melling – Associate Principal