Dear Parents
For some time now I have noticed that there is pattern emerging that some parents are leaving students in the front office or outside the front office for long periods of time once the end of school bell has rung, instead of picking their child up when school finishes at 3pm.
School finishes at 3pm and the majority of students have left the school by 3.15pm, but we do have some students whose parents are repeatedly leaving students in the office, sometimes until as late as 3.45 pm. This is not acceptable, and I would ask parents to make other care arrangements if it is not possible for you to pick your child up by 3pm.
Helping Hands is an after-school care facility located on the school site and may be able, based on availability to supervise your child if they need to be at school later than 3.15 pm. Helping Hands can be contacted on Tel: 0452 275 110 or visit their website at for more information on before and after school care.
Kind Regards
Glen Read