Yale Primary School is located 18 km from Perth, in the City of Gosnells on Sage Road, Thornlie. The school is set in spacious grounds and easily accessible by public transport. We are proud of the history of the school, which first opened on 9 February 1970 as North West Thornlie Primary School with 100 students.
Today, we have approximately 480 students from Kindergarten to Year 6, from diverse cultural backgrounds with over 37 language groups present.
The school has a community atmosphere, with many of our parents having attended the school as students themselves. Parents play a key role through our P and C and School Council where parents volunteer time to help students with their literacy and numeracy skills and organise a range of other activities like discos and lapathons.
Our school Chaplain coordinates a volunteer mentor programme; breakfast club and grief support.
The school is a participant in the Positive Behaviour Support Program (PBS) coordinated by Prisanne Kuppusamy. The schools core values are based on the PBS program and are as follows, be our best, be respectful, be caring and be responsible.
Through the BER program the school now has a dedicated music room and science room with full time specialists teaching these subjects.
The school is currently participating in the Fogarty Edvance program which is a philanthropic organisation run by the Fogarty Foundation to assist schools within Low SES communities. The staff at the school are very committed to the education and welfare of the students and they aspire to improve the academic and social success of all students in the school. Our focus is quality teaching, student success and an engaged community.
The students are encouraged to work together collaboratively and value the opinions and differences of others. The students have a strong voice through the Student Council. They run the Assemblies each week and reward activities for our younger students.
As a school we participate in Southern River Sports Association and compete in a range of interschool carnivals. The school has in the past participated in state science competitions and has been successful. The school runs a Bee reward program in which the students are encouraged to demonstrate school values and receive prizes for their participation. The school has links to the Riverton RSL for our ANZAC service and links to the City of Gosnells through the environmental restoration of Aylesford reserve adjoining the school and next to the Thornlie train station. The school is in partnership with the Smith Family organisation who support at risk families. The school also supports the students at Thornlie Senior High School through their work place learning program.